88 Kamihongou, Matsudo-shi, Chiba, 271-0064 JapanPhone: +81-47-303-4800
You can take a taxi to PSS for 5 to 7 minute ride.
Ask taxi driver to take you to PSS at "Kogyo Danchi" (Industrial park)
It takes 12 minutes for walk to PSS
5673 West Las Positas Blvd., Suite 202, Pleasanton, CA 94588, U.S.A.
Phone: +1-925-960-9180 Fax : +1-925-960-9184
55122 Mainz, Mombacher Str. 93, Germany
Phone: +49-170-944-7653
88 Kamihongou, Matsudo-shi, Chiba, 271-0064 Japan
Phone: +81-47-303-4800
40-16 Maeda, Hanaoka-machi, Odate-shi, Akita 017-0005 JAPAN
Phone: +81-186-46-3131
URL: https://www.nps-co.jp/
40-16 Maeda, Hanaoka-machi, Odate-shi, Akita 017-0005 JAPAN
Phone: +81-186-49-6262